We always knew we wanted 3 kids. We were blessed with twin girls in 2016. Wow, two for one deal! We had the easiest pregnancy and with two, baby #3 (and praying for just one) HAS to be so easy and a breeze.

My husband and I started trying for baby #3 when the girls were 2.5. Because we had it all planned out in our heads and wanted our kids a certain age apart. One year later, no baby and no positive pregnancy test. So we were referred to the fertility clinic. IUI wasn’t going to work for us, so IVF it was.

I’ve got this! My sister did it, my friends have done it, it has a huge success rate. We did genetic testing and found out we had 2 BOY embryos. Exactly what we wanted. A boy to join and complete our family.

Implantation was a success and we were pregnant. Didn’t think another thing of it until we went in to the OB at 13 weeks and there was no heartbeat. He was gone and we were devastated. After a month of healing, we still had hope. That one last boy embryo. So we implanted again as soon as it was safe, and we were pregnant!

The first trimester was spent on bed rest because of a large hemorrhage. And I was willing to do whatever it took to stay pregnant. We passed 13 weeks, the hemorrhage was gone so smooth sailing from here on out. I felt kicks very early around 16 weeks which was reassuring. He was an active little guy.

I went in at 28 weeks for my glucose test and mentioned that he is usually an active baby but has been a little quiet the last couple days. So they hooked me up to the NST for 30 min and he was as active as ever. OB comes in and says perfectly healthy baby!

One week later I wasn’t feeling movement. I’m just paranoid, everything is fine. I text my OB nurse friend and she said go to labor & delivery. I was in denial when they couldn’t find the heartbeat. He’s fine, he’s fine, he’s just being stubborn. Ultrasound confirmed no heartbeat.

We went home and told our 4 year old girls there weren’t going to be big sisters and we had to go to the hospital for a couple days. We delivered our sweet and “perfectly healthy”, Leo Laurence on April 21, 2020.

Our girls and parents weren’t allowed to come to the hospital to meet Leo due to COVID-19 safety measures. They had to mourn his loss from pictures. We miss him so much but are constantly surrounded by his love and little reminders. 

Sarah Davis